Adventures in Advertising
Understanding and exploring a world of advertisements

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Image And Reality: Seeing Things In Different Ways (Chapter 2)

June 2, 2010

Evaluating Brands- We tend to evaluate brands by their attributes or features.  Positive or Negative Features- Emotions play a major role in deciding our reaction toward a brand. Ad Influence on our brand attribute agenda- We tend to assign descriptors to brands such as reliable, cute, tough etc.. Positive Positioning- Words and images are used […]

Conformity: The Popular Thing To Do (Chapter 4)

June 2, 2010

When making choices people are influenced by two things:       1. What they think       2. What they think other people think  People make choice decisions based on two types of information:  1. Objective Evidence  2. What they think other people think  The less sure we are about what is the correct decision when making […]

Subliminal Advertising: The Biggest Myth of All (Chapter 3)

June 2, 2010

Chapter 3 focused on subliminal advertising and all of its mystery.  Subliminal advertising was first brought to light in the 1950’s when James Vicary, a movie theatre owner, flashed on the screen “drink cola” and “eat popcorn.”  James claimed that doing this gave him a boost in sales of popcorn and soda.  He later admitted […]

The Buy-ology of Mind (Chapter 28)

June 1, 2010

“The suffix ‘-ology’ is used to meant either ‘the study of’ or ‘the science of.’ (Chapter 28) is about the science of consumption (or buying). In particular… the role of the mind, how it influences buying and brand choice, and how to go about measuring it.” (Sutherland 301) Measuring Ad effects Advertisers, in the past, […]

Influencing People (Chapter 1)

May 31, 2010

Advertising does not persuade, but does influence the consumer’s choices in small ways or ‘feathers’. When the consumer is trying to make a choice between two products, there are several methods used by advertisers. Repetition: increases familiarity with a claim. The effect of repetition is known as ‘the truth effect’. User Image: Using people we […]

What’s This I’m Watching? (Chapter 10)

May 31, 2010

 The Elements That Make Up An Ad             It is important to note how elements can interact, such as music with visuals or words with visuals. To maximize its effect, advertising has to get your attention. It has to ‘cut through the clutter’ of other advertising and be noticed. The first principal of advertising is […]

Maximizing Ad Effectiveness: Develop a Unique & Consistent Style (Chapter 22)

May 31, 2010

Chapter 22 relays the importance of executing distinctive details that will in spark memory retrieval within consumers and set a brand apart from competitive brands in the same category. To differentiate a brand from a product category it is imperative for a brand to create a one-of-a-kind style in ad presentations so that we, the […]

The Effectiveness of Funny Ads: What A Laugh! (Chapter 17)

May 24, 2010

The funny thing about funny ads is that not everyone finds them humorous because what is funny to one person can be uninteresting or even irritating to another.  The key to achieving humor in an ad is incongruity, which is defined as something that does not seem to fit with or be appropriate to its […]

Continuous Tracking: Are You Being Followed? (Chapter 13)

May 24, 2010

Advertisers use different methods of research to determine whether or not their ads are effective.  One of the most cost effective methods is continuous monitoring.  This method is also very effective for tracking their competitor’s activities as well.   Continuous monitoring is achieved by conducting weekly surveys, which provide advertisers with information about consumer behavior.  This […]

The Advertising Message: Oblique and Indirect (Chapter 5)

May 24, 2010

Advertising doesn’t always rely on direct information messages. Indirect or oblique forms of communication can register a point with more impact than literal messages. Such indirect or oblique ads often rely on powerful images to make a statement. These ads are missing the sense that someone is trying to tell you something, however this does […]