Adventures in Advertising
Understanding and exploring a world of advertisements

Archive for June 2, 2010

Image And Reality: Seeing Things In Different Ways (Chapter 2)

June 2, 2010

Evaluating Brands- We tend to evaluate brands by their attributes or features.  Positive or Negative Features- Emotions play a major role in deciding our reaction toward a brand. Ad Influence on our brand attribute agenda- We tend to assign descriptors to brands such as reliable, cute, tough etc.. Positive Positioning- Words and images are used […]

Conformity: The Popular Thing To Do (Chapter 4)

June 2, 2010

When making choices people are influenced by two things:       1. What they think       2. What they think other people think  People make choice decisions based on two types of information:  1. Objective Evidence  2. What they think other people think  The less sure we are about what is the correct decision when making […]

Subliminal Advertising: The Biggest Myth of All (Chapter 3)

June 2, 2010

Chapter 3 focused on subliminal advertising and all of its mystery.  Subliminal advertising was first brought to light in the 1950’s when James Vicary, a movie theatre owner, flashed on the screen “drink cola” and “eat popcorn.”  James claimed that doing this gave him a boost in sales of popcorn and soda.  He later admitted […]